I Have Rights!!!

A“Busted by God” Story

I-Am-Smiling-scottish_wildcatWhat a week.

It seemed like I only had one more nerve and knew at any moment, SOMEONE would step on it.

Little gnats. Spoiling things. Nothing major. Just lots of things all at once that caused me to feel like I just didn’t matter at all. To anyone.

My head knew that wasn’t true, but my heart and emotions seemed to be RULING me.

So, I did what I often do when life is closing in on me.

I go for a walk by the lake, but usually FIRST stop at Cabin Coffee. I like to sit in the window and look outside toward the lake. ALONE. To get my wits about me again.

I had all my stuff. My little Bible, my purse, my phone, and the newspaper to first look at the headlines. I walked up to the counter for something and…

In walks a lady that I have “noticed” at other times.

She walked right over to the window seat and plopped her huge purse down in a very FIRM manner. And SAT DOWN. In MY spot. I was stunned. I was actually angry. I was NOT walking in the Spirit.

I had RIGHTS after all. My father had always said that “possession is 9 points of the law”.  And I already “possessed” that window seat area!

She then walked to the counter to order. I walked behind her and got my stuff and moved into the center of the then very noisy main area of the coffee shop. I was steamed. I was frustrated. How could anyone be so RUDE???

I felt like she was a bully and that she WON.

I was NOT happy.

I was mad at her but I was madder at me. I had allowed her to rob my joy. I had given her control of my attitude. I had caved in.

God got ahold of me. I was tired. I had had a day full of irritations. NONE of them earth-shattering. Just annoying and time-consuming. And then this very rude lady had caused me to see the true state of my heart before God.

I thought I had “rights”. I was self-centered and self-righteous. She was treating me rudely. And I “deserved” to be treated better. Right? WRONG!!!

Busted by God. What if…

What if God had put her there at just that time because He had an “assignment” for me to do. Maybe SHE was my assignment. I won’t know, though, will I? I was too much about ME that day! *sigh*

Good thing I had planned on that trip to walk by the lake. I sat and listened to the waves as I read through much of the book of Luke in the Bible; and during that time in His Book, He showed HIS HEART for HIS CREATION,  which includes rude little old ladies that “steal” our favorite window seats.

We had a Father/daughter talk and I repented.

And He healed my wounded pride. In my “sanctuary” by the lake. We talked (God and I) and I felt the heaviness of the day melt away.

My joy was back!

Loving Father, You are my Counselor, my Friend, and the Source of my strength. Lord, I commit myself anew to listening to Your voice and being obedient to Your call. I pray for a humble heart. I bless Your Holy Name.

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I Have Rights!!! — 4 Comments

  1. Dawn Edwards said:

    Great devotion Pam, I just love how the Lord teaches us! So glad for His grace and the fact that He is still working on us until we are with Him.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Yes, I agree. So glad He does not give up on us. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment!

  2. Thanks for being so vulnerable, Pam. Sometimes we do feel like everyone is against us. perhaps she WAS your assignment. Love your writing. Go gently, Amy

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Amy Hagerup, thanks for your kind words. How many “assignments” do we miss? Praising the Lord that He is patient to keep sending the lessons.

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