Let’s talk about how to encourage missionaries.
I know you want to help. You want to be supportive, but you don’t know how to do that exactly. You are grateful they are obeying their call. Not everyone is called to full time mission work. So, because you treasure their obedience and know it is often difficult for them, but you don’t know specifically HOW difficult it is, you want them to know you are grateful they are doing the grunt work for you…in your place, so…
How should you pray for missionaries?
When you don’t have specific prayer requests, here’s a few suggestions I found in an old church bulletin. Different ideas for each day of the week. And be sure you let them know that you are praying for them and perhaps WHAT you are praying for them. It is a joy for you, to SHARE in their ministry through prayer support! It is a blessing to them and actually a GIFT of encouragement and a joy to their hearts! So, let them know often!
SUNDAY – Emotional Needs
- An assurance of the Father’s love
- A sense of Christ’s presence
- A time to smell the flowers
MONDAY – Physical Needs
- General health
- Safety
- Financial supply
TUESDAY – Relationships with Missionaries
- Ability to submit to one another
- Honesty and openness
- Appreciate the strengths of others
WEDNESDAY – Effective Ministry
- Open doors for evangelism
- Ability to communicate
- Good use of time
- A healthy marriage
- The children
- Older parents in the homeland
- A “substitute” family if single
FRIDAY – Relationship with God
- Consistent and profitable devotional life
- Awareness of God’s power
- Good and soul-refreshing times in the Word
SATURDAY – Relationships with Nationals
- Ability to adapt to the culture & enjoy it
- Fluency in the language
- Learning from national workers, Teachable spirit.
List adapted from an excerpt from TEAM Horizons, Nov/Dec 1989. Appeared in a church newsletter in 1989.
I Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
A dictionary definition of the word, encouragement: something “that makes someone more determined, hopeful or confident.”
Lord, help us to be givers of life and safe harbors of peace. Guard and guide our words so that we can encourage others to seek after you. Amen.
–Anchor devotional. December 2018.
Please let me know if this was helpful, and pass this blog on to others who want to be a blessing to missionaries but aren’t really sure where to start.
God bless you bunches!
Thank you for all you do!
Awaiting His shout,
The MomCourager™