What Keeps You Up at Night?

What are you doing and why are you doing it?
Last week was International Christian Coaches Week. I absolutely believe a life coach can help you do life better! But as with anything, it’s just words without the experience. So why should you follow through and actually begin to work with a coach?

Many of us struggle years figuring out why we are here at this time in history.
Many come to coaching feeling they are not doing anything meaningful with their lives. What about you? Are you fulfilled? What is your calling? What are your spiritual gifts? Your personality strengths? Your passions that keep you up at night?

Some come to coaching because they feel empty or like a fish out of water.
Do you feel STUCK, like you are doing the same things over and over, expecting a different result? Are you just settling for the same ‘ole, same ‘ole? Dreading getting out of bed each morning? What if you had someone who sees your potential? Someone who will help you think outside the box. What if there is something more than what you are currently experiencing?

You might be asking, “So what?”
Meet the coach that was courageous enough to be my personal coach. And he was also my amazing instructor. I am forever grateful. Please listen to this podcast. Get to know him AND get some of your coaching questions answered. Then, let me know how I can help!

Click here to listen to Chris’ podcast.

“WHY” am doing what I am doing?
You heard Chris remind us that the Gifts and the Call of God are Irrevocable!  And God used Chris to help me understand who God had created me to be. There is now no doubt that He has most definitely called me to this profession! God has given me the Spiritual Gift of Encouragement. That just happens to work well for a Life Coach. I would love to help you find your sweet spot spiritually, relationally and/or professionally. So that you can then live your life fully engaged and fulfilled. You will find–as an added benefit–ways that ALL your relationships can improve.

Discover what God had in mind when He created you
My joy is to inspire clients (mostly women) to discover their God-given strengths and spiritual gifts. I have worked with corporate leaders, divorced women, widows, singles, homeschool parents, ministry leaders and missionaries, and also with those unable to conceive. All desiring a fresh start, one way or another. Learning to perceive things differently as they begin more fully to see their lives through God’s eyes. The coach works with God to bring healing to the brokenhearted. Even setting the captives free! Many have been held captive to unhelpful mindsets for years.

We can work out a plan that works for you.
Let’s start with a *free* inquiry call where you can get your questions answered. I will work with you to figure out a do-able personal plan for you. No matter where you live, what your circumstances, or anything else. Since the appointments are via phone, I have already been privileged to journey together with coachees from many places in the world, including China, London, Mexico, Florida, Pennsylvania, Delaware, California, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, etc.  Each have been different, but all have been brave to begin the journey and have found fresh eyes and new joy.

Why should you invest in a life coach?
Maybe you are thinking: What can Pam do for me personally?

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Here’s what some of my clients have shared about their coaching experiences…
“Pam is an insightful coach with a heart to serve. I would highly recommend her to anyone that desires to make their life count fully for Christ.” Trog from Texas

“Pam helped me get un-stuck from dysfunctional patterns from the past and helped me to believe in myself and move forward, and I’m happier and more fulfilled than I’ve been in many years.” Kris from Kansas

“Pam has helped me find successful solutions to major issues in both my personal and business life!” Jo from Nebraska

“Pam helped me tremendously through some difficult grieving, providing encouragement and insight as I entered a new phase of my life.” Deb from Iowa

You can have a similar story! Coaching. There is always a reason. Why don’t you give it a try!

Email me today to get started.

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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