Donkey? Princess? Or BOTH?

God’s Princess. His Masterpiece.
God has taught me to embrace the relationship with Him as His princess. God…My Father is the King of Kings. Creator God.

DonkeyThat said, I sometimes refer to myself as Balaam’s Donkey. It is not a put down. It is actually reminding people (and myself too) that God truly can do whatever He wants with whomever/whatever He wants and if He…even today…chose to talk through a donkey (ha…just thought of the TV show Mr. Ed. lol) He could and would do it.

God gets to make the rules!
It is good to remember that without Him we are nothing. Not as a put down, but as a TRUTH. I see far too many people in leadership and in ministry that “believe their own press releases” as Beth Moore says. They think THEY are the ones doing the miraculous transformations in people. They walk around like “little tin gods” as Verna Birkey says. So, I always seek to remind myself that though I am a Princess…it is only because my Father is King that I am a princess. I could not be a princess w/o Him. So, on my own, I am nothing.

With my Gideon-type family background…
It is amazing that God would use me. That GOOD kind of AMAZING!!! Not put-down kind of amazing! Thinking of it with a sense of awe. Gideon was a #TYPEofDonkey as well…It is good to remember that we are but dust and that the Creator can use even dust!

Why are we here?
When He uses the least of the least, then HE is GLORIFIED. And that is why we are here. Not to feel good about ourselves, but to glorify Him because He works through EVEN US…Yes, Gideons…or Donkeys that we are…lol

Can you tell I am passionate about this?

Those people that God chooses…Gideons…Donkeys…he equips
So, for you…no matter who you are…no matter what you do day-to-day, He has called you to some kind of “ministry” to help people be overcomers. You can help them see who they ARE in Christ rather than what they SEE when they look in the mirror or in their minds. We are so much more because He is so much more! He has called you. So, He has already equipped you. So…when people “experience Jesus in you” in your home, or in your work, or in a group, or out and about, He will equip you to walk through the valley into the light with them.

See yourself as God sees you
Many people think about themselves: “I am ONLY a donkey.” Rather, I sooooooo want everyone to know “YES!!! I AM A DONKEY…and GOD can and will use me. I just need to surrender and allow Him to do just that.”

Are YOU that kind of “donkey” too? Willing or UNwilling to believe you are MORE than enough IN HIM!

May you have a great week worshiping and submitting at the Master’s feet! He adores you! He is worthy of your worship!

Someone you know needs to hear this today. Encourage them. Pass it on…with a prayer and a blessing…


Donkey? Princess? Or BOTH? — 6 Comments

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Mary Lou Caskey, he is indeed! Fantastic God!

  1. Connie said:

    So true! And I have to remind myself sometimes that all of the good that I see or do comes from God. I call myself a ragamuffin to remind myself. AND love the idea of being a princess. I am a ragamuffin and a princess!

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Hi Ragamuffin Princess Connie, Always that battle within for the King’s kids! Keeping the balance of remembering who we are and WHOSE we are!

  2. I love the reminder of how big our Father God is. When I keep my eyes on Him, discouragement flees.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      It does indeed!

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