Let God Be God – Remembering Elisabeth Elliot

elisabeth-elliotElisabeth Elliot has gone to be with the One she loved above all others. She has gone to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have no doubt that she has heard the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and enter into your rest.” Her real life, present day example of settled assurance that God was in control of all the circumstances of her life, has helped me through some really difficult things in my own life. Often, I have thought of her words, “Do the next thing,” when I have been confused or overwhelmed.

Elisabeth and Jim Elliot gave us a flesh-and-blood example in this very generation. They were people willing to wait on God for His timing. To wait on God for His instructions. And for His plan. They didn’t get what they expected. They didn’t get what they had hoped for. But they knew that our sorrows are not wasted when they are surrendered to God for His keeping. They gave their ALL for Jesus. Elisabeth was first known as the widow of Jim Elliot, martyred with his friends as they attempted to make personal contact with the violent tribe that we have come to know as Auca Indians. Not long after her husband’s death, she went back with her young daughter, to minister to the very tribe that killed her husband. Her unconditional love was irresistible. She walked the walk she talked. They found the Savior and LORD that she adored.

Trust and obey was her settled way of life. It was her steadfast conviction that is to be the Christian’s sole response to God. Trust and obey. (The song says, “for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey.”) She knew in her very core that she was weak and unable to follow closely after Jesus without a constant connection with Him. She clung on tightly. She did not let go. She reached for the hem of His garment every time a new trial came. She trusted Him. Even when she did not understand. She talked intimately with Him about her questions. She knew that she was not strong enough on her own to trust and obey. She knew she desperately needed her LORD to keep her. To help her walk with head turned upward, strong only in Him. Weak on her own.

She knew to her very core that “Suffering is never for nothing.” She was actually a widow twice. She challenged the rest of us with her single-minded, single-focused life. And, actually, CONTINUES to challenge us to stop being wimpy Christians. She knew the Word and lived the Word. She knew that we must let Him do His work in our lives with full acceptance, knowing that NOTHING takes HIM by surprise. That our deeply devoted FATHER knows best! Trust and obey. There is no other way. He is all wise. And He adores His children. He has a plan. “Suffering is never for nothing.” It is always for a greater good, especially when offered up to Him on the altar of sacrifice.

She ministers to me even in her death. She faced trials with a steadfastness that was astounding and inspiring. Tough as nails with wit and quick comeback, she could also take the deepest theological principles and shorten them down to a sentence or two.

If you have been reading my blogs the last few weeks, you know what God has been impressing on me—freshly speaking the truths of the need to fully submit and surrender to His Lordship. So, the home-going of Elisabeth Elliot has reminded me anew what LORDSHIP looks like in a real live woman. Wife. Mother. Single Mom. Writer. Speaker. LOVER of JESUS (her very favorite)!

Jim’s words, “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose” echo deep inside of me and have been a constant reminder of what to hold onto in life. “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

Onward Christian soldiers! May we follow the example of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. May we choose NOT to be a fool that holds onto that which we cannot keep!

Let God be God because we are NOT!

Until next time…


Let God Be God – Remembering Elisabeth Elliot — 4 Comments

  1. Her single-minded, single-focused life affected millions and most of all, pleased her Lord. She will be missed. Thank you for this lovely tribute to her life.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      “single-minded, single-focused life”…ahhhh…yes, that sums up her life for sure! Thanks for that! Letting God be God. Every day in every way. Always!

  2. Wow, what a beautiful image and quote. Elisabeth Elliot dlienitfey has a fascinating story. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to develop writing for unwritten languages. Her story about the Quichua tribe is very interesting as well. About a year ago I spent some time watching youtube videos for music from Ecuador as I love the sound of their flutes. They sort of remind me of a smaller version of the huge pipe organ we had at the church I went to when I was a kid. I don’t know why as they sound very different – lol! 🙂

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Thanks for stopping by. Sounds like you know well Elisabeth Elliot’s story!

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