Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it. “Flourishing is God’s …

Giving Barbie Dolls to Your Child: Yes or No?

I think I could have handled the whole thing better. The question posed on someone else’s FB feed was: How do you explain to your daughter that you don’t want her to have a Barbie doll?  Of course, there were …

Back-To-School Days. 17 Ways To Keep Your Sanity.

It’s that Back-To-School time of year. Back to scheduled days. Scheduled bed times. Scheduled meals. Back to busy days. To car pooling the kids to sports and fun events. What is a Mom to do in order to keep her …

Ana’s Welcome

She stood before me, tall and stately, with raven black hair and beautiful white teeth framed by her warm smile.Wide innocent eyes overflowed with the purity that comes from inner joy. I felt welcomed and somehow less awkward as I …

Who Needs a Baby?

Progressive ideals When I married, I held tightly to the progressive ideas of my Baby Boomer generation. One of those ideas was that society was so evil and corrupt, I couldn’t stand bringing a child into the world. The Vietnam …

What Do a Billboard and a Cake Have in Common?

A Billboard Company & An Evangelist A billboard company in Southern California changed their mind about running an ad “… for an evangelist – simply because he is holding a Bible. For 28 years, world-renowned evangelist Greg Laurie has been …

Adjusting: Missionaries’ Reverse Culture Shock.

The other parts of my review of Marge Jones’s The Psychology of Missionary Adjustment, can be reached by the following links: Part One: Book Review: Psychology of Missionary Adjustment Part Two: The Missionary Pedestal Part Three: Out of the Womb …

Conflicts Happen. Real Help for Real Missionaries.

Missions were birthed out of conflicts. Acts 8:1, 4 makes it clear that the persecution against the church broke out in Jerusalem, and all but the apostles scattered, preaching the Word wherever they went.

Missionary Guilt Is Real

The other parts of my review of Marge Jones’s The Psychology of Missionary Adjustment, can be reached by the following links: Part One: Book Review: Psychology of Missionary Adjustment Part Two: The Missionary Pedestal Part Three: Out of the Womb …

Missionaries and Bursted Bubbles

In strongly success-oriented western society, the implication is that if you follow a set of rules, you will be successful. Missionary orientation programs teach the latest methods and send the candidate off with plenty of spiritual reading material. Failure to reach unrealistic expectations hinders the missionary once on the field and can affect their self-concept. Rather than humbling us to turn to God for help, it more often out of self-preservation, causes a focus on self, rather than on the mission or on developing authentic relationships in the new country. And that begins to explain this