Immanuel. God Is with Us

Learning to Actually Practice God’s presence You can CHOOSE to practice the actual presence of God with you. Yes, like so many of the other things that God desires for us, it is a choice. We can be like Brother …

Viewing Christmas in a Rear View Mirror

Looking Back Through much of my life, I’ve lived as though I have been looking through a rear view mirror. Wishing things were different. Discontent. Sad. Christmas can sometimes bring that out in every person. Christmas Past Are there skeletons …

Giving Barbie Dolls to Your Child: Yes or No?

I think I could have handled the whole thing better. The question posed on someone else’s FB feed was: How do you explain to your daughter that you don’t want her to have a Barbie doll?  Of course, there were …

Back-To-School Days. 17 Ways To Keep Your Sanity.

It’s that Back-To-School time of year. Back to scheduled days. Scheduled bed times. Scheduled meals. Back to busy days. To car pooling the kids to sports and fun events. What is a Mom to do in order to keep her …

Who Needs a Baby?

Progressive ideals When I married, I held tightly to the progressive ideas of my Baby Boomer generation. One of those ideas was that society was so evil and corrupt, I couldn’t stand bringing a child into the world. The Vietnam …

You Can Do This! Graduations. Weddings. Endings. Beginnings.

I learned a bit by going through these changes myself. Even though there will always be a bit of sadness because my kids are off on their own; and even though my friends later told me that they thought I …