How to Handle Fear – Part 1

Disasters and diseases can make anyone feel unsettled, fearful, or just plain anxious and unsure where to turn for relief. Daily news reports give us lots to be concerned about. If you are like me, maybe you, too, can sometimes find yourself falling into the “what if…” black hole of fear or dread.

Over the years, I have found some “mindset shifts” that have been helpful to me.

Have you heard the expression:
The safest place to be is right in the center of God’s will. It is absolutely true! Through seasons of confusion, loss, terror and fear, we might have lots of questions. We can try resisting God, “doing His will” in our own strength, while kicking and screaming…not wanting to go through the testings. OR…remembering the TRUTH is that God consistently will show Himself strong to the one who chooses to surrender to His wisdom. One way is the way of anxiety. The other is the way of peace. Experientially, I have actually proven BOTH methods to be true on more than one occasion.

ONE of those times I got it right…
We spent a few months in Haiti during one of that country’s most politically and militarily turbulent times. And yet God showed Himself strong and faithful even in those scary times.

Fortunately, I had previously memorized a number of Scripture passages, so that at any moment, God could bring them to my remembrance, just when I needed a bit of reassurance to get me through each day. Scripture helped me to be strong for my two young children while living in Haiti. My husband, a missionary pilot, was often away from our home. So the children and I had to find ways to cope, AND to NOT give in to fear!

Know yourself
There is no doubt that a “key” to overcoming that unsettled feeling is to not only know your God, but to also know yourself. Take time to stop and think. What makes you tick? When are you most fearful? Maybe it is that you are hungry or tired. If that’s it, you know what to do. Think also of times when you are strong.

Try to visualize a time you were very afraid.

  1. Specifically, what caused you to cave in to fear?
  2. Are there people you need to avoid when you are afraid? People that mock you for your fear? Or worse yet, cause your fear?
  3. When the fear overtook you, where was your focus? On the problem? On the fear?

Think of other times when you were fearful, but rose above the occasion.

  1. What/who gave you that strength? Force yourself to think this through.
  2. Who speaks strength into you?
  3. When do you turn to the Word and to prayer? God speaks clearly that we are to put on our spiritual armor each day. Part of that armor…The Sword of the Spirit…is the Word of God.
  4. Be proactive about having people in your life that help you keep your focus on God and remind you of His faithfulness in all situations. Find people a little further down the road than you are. People that will remind you: He is your Rock, your Fortress.

Be in the Word daily!
It is impossible to over-emphasize the value of being in the Word! Daily! Whether it is reading the Word (hard copy), or on your cell phone, or listening on CD or MP3. That’s where we find His will for us! In His Word, a treasure-chest to help us be strong and less fearful.

Social Media
I have a feeling that you are like me and spend a bit of time daily on FB. Maybe Twitter and Pinterest, too. Yup! We are without excuse. If we can make time for FB,etc., we can make time for the Bible. For fellowship with God.

You already know the solution…Less time on social media and more time in the Word. JUST DO IT!!! We cannot allow ourselves the indulgence of excuses. Because this is a key to where you will find your strength to resist caving in.

Making time to get to know the AUTHOR of the Bible by reading it, is brilliant strategy for overcoming fear and anxiety.

  • Be honest with yourself. Are you afraid to start?
  • Does it seem like too big of a task?

Have you tried by starting at the front of the Book, in Genesis? I did the same thing myself and got very discouraged. Even started at Genesis numerous times. It was too overwhelming for me.

So, I have a different plan for you. A DO-able plan

  • Start with the Gospels in the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • Make it a daily habit. The #1 Priority! And not just a verse here and there. Saturate yourself in Scripture. In the Gospels. So you can get to know the God of the Bible. Personally.

You already know that anything worthwhile takes time to learn. There simply are no short cuts. Don’t put it off. Equip yourself to be a faithful and true woman of God. It really is the only way to be patient and loving even when all around you is in chaos. NOW is the time to begin.

A preview of next week’s blog post:
I will be sharing some specific Scripture verses and thoughts how to handle that fear, anxiety, dread, and worry. Suggestion: write each verse on 3×5 cards and keep them with you always. Decorate and color the cards if you like…to personalize them.

God is still on His Throne
We live in a scary world but the Creator, Lord God has not left His throne. He can show you how to be an overcomer. You can learn to trust the Author of the Holy Bible. One verse, one chapter, one book at a time. See you again for Part 2? I’m looking forward to it.

If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus, let’s talk together about that.
I’m only a click away…

Don’t forget. Leave a comment. It’s important!

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™


How to Handle Fear – Part 1 — 2 Comments

  1. Timely article Pam considering the chaos our world is in right now. I work with many people who are struggling with anxiety and fear – many of them Christians. You are so right when you say that the best way to overcome anxiety and fear is to know God, because when we really know Him as a Father Who loves us, we trust Him. Perfect love drives out all fear and trust overcomes anxiety. Bless you Pam. Karen.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Karen, Thanks for stopping by to encourage the flock here. You are a great blessing to people in the grips of sorrow and anxiety and fear. God bless you bunches!

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