Missions. Go. Trust. Obey. Bless.

Verse:  Exodus 4:12 (NAS) “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.”

Meditation:  While in language school in Costa Rica, I struggled over basic grammar rules, the meanings of the words and the tenses of the verbs.  I felt frustrated. Overwhelmed! And…Like Moses, I didn’t lose much time in reminding God that I was slow of speech. And totally ill-equipped for the assignment. However, I knew He wanted me to go out among the people and speak, anyway, even though I was afraid.

stencil.language2-300Another time, after Spanish language school, the mission group sent us to Haiti, where they speak French and Creole.  I felt like I could have written the book, When God Doesn’t Make Sense. But once again God’s faithfulness was evident, as He once more told me to go because He would teach me what to say.

Of course, I often smiled with embarrassment over my slowness of speech and waved my hands around a lot trying to communicate what I was trying to say. The translation dictionary was my constant companion.

LIVING the experience was really, really hard. A challenge seems like too weak of a word to use.  So who would have guessed that when it was time to leave BOTH countries, it was unbelievably difficult and sad to have to go. I think it was because God had been so evident in my daily survival there. He seemed always so close I could almost touch Him. And He truly did keep His promise. He taught me what to say. He taught me how to communicate with those I learned to love in other countries. They taught me a different way to DO life! I am forever grateful for their patience and wisdom.

But just because I am no longer in a foreign country doesn’t mean that the days of my stepping out and “going” when I feel inadequate for the task, has ended.  Isn’t that what the Christian life is all about?  His sufficiency in our insufficiency.

These life experiences and my coach training have equipped me to be a proven mentor coach for missionaries. There is nothing you can say that will shock me. And I am full of encouragement and ideas for moving forward in order to be the best missionary possible that God has called you to be. So, if you are even just thinking of going or already there, don’t waste another minute. Contact me and let’s get started preparing you for success!

Prayer:  Where do you want us to go today, Lord? Thank You for the examples of Your proven faithfulness in Your Word.  Thank You for the testimony of other believers. It gives us courage. May we bring You joy this day. Amen.

Until next time,
God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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