Aroma-Therapy God’s Way

Maybe you love to walk into a shop that has a fragrance sweet like vanilla? That makes me think of cookies fresh out of the oven. Yum!

Or would you rather go into a shop that smells like pizza? That makes me think of times with dear friends. Too busy enjoying each other to make a meal.

How about the fresh fragrance right after the first spring rain? And the hope of new life and new opportunities. And what about the smell of the newly fallen leaves on the ground after a fall storm?

What about when you walk into a horse stall? Or step into the remnants of a negligent dog owner that left the “deposit” on the sidewalk. Ugh! Smelly!

Fragrance check-up (2 questions)

  • When you walk into the room, what fragrance do you bring into the room with you?
  • When you are “squeezed,” what do you “smell” like? Sweet or putrid?


  • Soaking in the WORD of God pours forth the fragrance of beauty and purity.
  • And on the flip side, soaking in the WORLD and what it offers, pours forth the opposite fragrance.
  • When we belong to the Lord; when we have committed our lives to Him, we hunger for His Word.
  • Amazingly, the more we soak in His Word, the more we want to be with Him. Just like…

Todd Lincoln
It’s been said that WHENEVER young Todd Lincoln wanted to see the President of the United States, no matter who was consulting with the President, Todd was permitted to freely come and go. Because you see, although Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States, he saw his HIGHER call to be that of the FATHER of young Todd.

Think about it. That is exactly how Father God feels about His children. Those that are called by His Name. No matter what, whenever we want to talk to Him, He puts everything else on hold and we are the most important person in His world right then. Right there. NOW and always!! And spending time with Him, gives us the Aroma of Christ and that is a sweet smelling fragrance! That is truly Aroma-Therapy God’s Way! So…how are you doing? What fragrance are YOU bringing into the room with you?

Comments gratefully received
I’d love to hear your story. When did you realize that you are special to Him…Like Todd Lincoln was to his father! Only BETTER! 🙂 MUCH better!

If you don’t already have that relationship with Father God, let’s talk. I’d love to help you find your way into the Family…

Please leave a comment.


Aroma-Therapy God’s Way — 2 Comments

  1. I would have to disagree that a horse stall smalls bad since I happen to LOVE horses, although I do prefer the smell of horses as opposed to their excrement.
    I love this whole analogy as scientists say smell is the one that is most strongly linked to our memories.
    I like one of your main points too, about recognizing the difference between soaking in God’s Word vs. soaking the the world.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Thanks for stopping by, Cheryl Cope! LOVE your “horse” comment.

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