El Roi (The God Who Sees) (Devotion Week #3)

Heading into the season we call Easter, I am publishing weekly devotional thoughts.

Question: Do you ever feel invisible? I know I do sometimes. Have you ever been used for another’s pleasure? Or treated with contempt? Unloved? Betrayed? Mistreated by those who should be loving and protecting you? That is the story of Hagar, in Genesis 16. Her story is where we see for the first time in Scripture the Name of God, El Roi.

God meets Hagar—as He meets you, dear one– at a scary and vulnerable time. He listens to her cries and frustrations. He reassures her. He tells her to go BACK INTO the very difficult situation. AND he tells her to change her attitude toward Sarai, her mistress. Her boss. WOW! That is a tough assignment. Does she listen and obey?

Are you learning, with me that God sees it all? In His sovereignty, He permitted whatever you and I (and Hagar) have experienced). And He promises to work it together for your good. (Romans 8). IF you belong to Him! The promise is conditional. You must be one of Jesus’ “sheep” (remember last week’s devo?)

The blessing is that Hagar feels heard. She listens and responds to the conversation with God, and realizes He has a plan for her life. She trusts Him and knows without a doubt that He cares. He SEES her, and “She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have seen by the One who sees me.’” (Genesis 16:13) And yes, she obeys and goes back.

I’m asking God to bless you and I’m praying for you, right now to connect on a new and deeply personal level with the God who sees you. He sees you as an individual. Because you matter. You are unique. You are special. You are created for more than you can think or imagine. But the key is getting ahold of your emotions and actions. Let’s learn together how to turn ourselves over to the One Who Sees! The world is loud, distracting, and full of lots of things that vie for your attention and time. A world that craves to be seen. A world that wants to influence you AWAY from God. But in the world, it is a different kind of “seeing” than what God offers. God’s “seeing” is pure and devoted to your best.

I’d like to pray for you right now…

Father, we women in our busy-ness can be tempted by counterfeits, but we need to be seen for who YOU created us to be. When we choose to focus on following after You, and obeying Your still small voice, You fill up every “hole” in our heart and heal every betrayal and loss. Help this sweet woman to see her worth in YOUR eyes. Show her that she doesn’t have to be or do anything to be loved by You. You created her to be the kind of person she is. Please help her to see that You are more than enough for her. That anything else is a blessing, but not a necessity.

In addition, You have given her strengths, talents, gifts, AND the ability to see others’ needs and value. Women are nurturers as You are, Lord. She feels hopeless and helpless until You remind her how much she matters to You. Nurture her. Like You did for Hagar. You feel her every pain and sorrow. Tell her you see and hear her. Then, help her to respond like Hagar did.

Lord, You really actually are always with this amazing woman. Everything that concerns her, concerns You. BUT, like with Hagar, You will tell her to get up, wipe away her tears, and go back and finish what she started. OR You may tell her to go a different direction. But make it clear and give her courage to obey. We learned last week, that You supply ALL our NEEDS (Psalm 23). So, she has nothing to fear or be worried about. You are a GOOD FATHER. She can trust You.

Father, please remind her quickly whenever she is tempted to go her own way. Draw her immediately back to You. You are her TRUE El Roi. With you, all is well. Because You SEE and You care.

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, can you say that God has ever spoken that clearly to you, as He spoke to Hagar? Are you in a close relationship with God, so You can speak your heart and believe He sees you? If not, would you like to have that comfort and assurance? I’d love to help you find that place of a deeper walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. You can contact me by clicking on the button below.

Continue to Devotion Week #4 – El-Elyon (God Most High)

God bless you bunches!
Thank you for all you do!Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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