Give Me Another One

10694714 Cup of coffee creating splash White background coffee sLearning from Miss Clara in War Room movie
“There is no grief greater than denying the truth until it was too late.” God had been prompting her to pray for her husband. To pray for her marriage. Yet, she did what was familiar…continuing on the path of trying to change her husband. Wanting to be right, she continued to argue with him.

God is always up to something
God created each of us with our own unique design. He gave you your unique personality. Your gifts. Your strengths. Your talents. AND not only that, but He does the same for everyone you come in contact with…creating them with their own unique design. Absolutely everyone without exception! Whether your parents, your husband, your kids, your friends, your boss…everyone! All fit together like a puzzle. Each piece necessary and for all His purposes.

Becoming a learner
Miss Clara spent several years learning God’s ways. Developing a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, her Lord. And when her heart was finally soft. When she was teachable, she was ready to “pay it forward”. She realized she was getting older and did not want to just keep all this she had learned to herself. So, she cried out to the Lord for a young wife she could teach how to prevent the “crash and burn” we have unfortunately almost come to expect for marriage.

How do you drink your coffee? Hot or Cold?
Miss Clara was alert, waiting with expectancy for God to answer her prayer. God sent Elisabeth, the real estate agent, to Miss Clara to disciple. To mentor.
She asks if Elisabeth sees her prayer life for her marriage as hot or cold. Elisabeth says it is more like lukewarm.

Miss Clara is just getting to know Elisabeth so she doesn’t lecture or teach with words. She rather serves her LUKEWARM COFFEE to prove her point. The look on Elisabeth’s face when she takes the first big gulp…PRICELESS!!! She clearly understands the message. (I LOVE that scene!) 🙂

Who wins? More Miss Clara wisdom
“I bet you never felt like you’ve won after an argument with your husband,” she says to Elisabeth.

Wow! That comment hit home for me! You see, I can say with passion….it is indeed true! “There is no grief greater than denying the truth until it is too late.” I remember many times I had argued with my husband (now deceased) and just wanted to win. To be RIGHT! But when the purpose is to win, seriously, NO ONE wins! And that is why I have dedicated my life to mentoring and speaking life into women. So YOU can avoid the ultimate crash and burn that I experienced! Too little, too late does not have to be YOUR battle cry!!!

Relationship-building & Trust grows
The movie is full of so many lessons. At the end, Miss Clara tells Elisabeth that it is time for her to mentor another woman and teach her what she has learned. At some point, that time comes to all of us! Passing on what we have learned…

Prayer closet battle cry
One of the final scenes is Miss Clara in her prayer closet, crying out to God, “Give me another one, Lord!”

”Raise ‘em up Lord. Call us to battle that we may proclaim You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords!”

Amen? Amen!!

What will you commit to this week? (Choose one or more)

  • Commit to creating a space…a War Room…in your home?
  • Decide it is time to get your marriage back on course?
  • Reach out to share what you have learned?
  • Mentor a young woman to go to battle for her family?

God bless you bunches!
Until next time,

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