Transforming Blunders into Wonders

Mistakes are inevitable.
Just living life will guarantee that mistakes will happen. Some worse than others. The encouraging thing is that we can choose our response. And they can actually become a GIFT in disguise.

Until you take your last breath, there are still options. And your response determines your outcome.

3 Options.

  • We can choose to be discouraged (maybe even to the point of quitting).
  • We can try to hide the mistake to the point of denial (and pretend it never happened).
  • We can embrace the mistake as a GIFT (and here lies peace).

gift-548284_600What did Jesus do?
Jesus had predicted it. Yet Peter was certain He was wrong. He scoffed and said he would never ever deny Jesus. That he would even die for Him. But, of course Jesus was correct. He KNEW what would happen. Because…well, because He’s JESUS! He knows everything! (Sometimes we forget that! Winking smile )

Three times. Three days.
You can see that Peter actually goes through all three of our options. Peter denied Jesus three times. Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried in a borrowed tomb. Dead three days. It was a long three days for the disciples. It was one of the loneliest times of Jesus’ life.

At a time when Jesus needed a friend, Peter was not there for Him. No one was there for Him. Jesus wasn’t surprised. And no matter what, He loved Peter. As He loves you…no matter what!

As only Jesus can do…
He didn’t just let it slide as though it didn’t happen. He pointed out Peter’s “blunders” and his humiliating denials…not to condemn him, but he used the occasion as an opportunity for restoration and greater closeness—making the “mistake” into something better than before. How did he do that?

After Jesus’ glorious resurrection,
In John 21, three times Jesus asked Peter if he loves Him. After the denials, Peter had been grief-stricken to the point of quitting as he faced what he had done to his Friend. He knew that he had “blundered” by denying knowing his friend, Jesus.

The gift
Jesus is giving Peter the GIFT of the opportunity of embracing his “blunders” and redeeming each one. With each affirmation…three times…one affirmation to match each denial…Jesus gives Peter the MISSION of spiritually feeding those he is called to minister to.

Peter is forgiven.
Peter is redeemed. He has received a great GIFT because he embraced the mistakes…the blunders…and faced the One He had let down and offended. Peter received peace that passes understanding. He has come full circle.

For you, too…
God can change your blunders into wonders, as He did for Peter. Mistakes are inevitable. Yes, they are! But, you too can actually choose the response to embrace them as a GIFT that God can redeem when you look to HIM for that same redemption and peace that was available for Peter.

What about you?
Everybody needs a safe place where change and growth can happen. Where blunders can be transformed into wonders. That’s what mentor coaching does for you! It is a place where you discover and embrace who God made you to be as you learn to look at your options and make the best choices for you…for this season of your earthly life. Discovering what you actually were created to be and to do. Contact me for more information. In Jesus’ Name…

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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