What If You Had a Choice?

morguefile-DSC_03511-woman-sunLast week we learned two LIFE formulas. One to give you success. The other will produce constant striving and discontent.

What if you had a choice?

Georgette (NOT her real name, of course) was a successful young woman. She had grown up in the home of an alcoholic parent. She grew up thinking that she was the cause of the alcoholism. If only she had been better at everything. She tried. She really tried, but there was verbal and some physical abuse, which reinforced her feelings of hopelessness. She acted out. She made some poor choices. Which reinforced her feelings of worthlessness. Her grades fell. She is lovely, but doesn’t feel lovely. She was smart, but did not reach her full potential, because she felt so bad about herself. She married a successful business man. They drank a lot. She was on the verge of being like her alcoholic parent. They partied with the “in” crowd. The important people in town. The go-getters. They were able to buy anything their eyes could see. They had a great life.

Or did they?

DID they have a great life?
They had children,
but even that did not “satisfy” the emptiness she felt. She had a God-sized “hole” inside her that she tried to fill with things of this world. Status. Money. Things. Stuff. Partying. Friends. And even the Kids. Nothing satisfied that LONGING inside her. That emptiness.

She did not have a relationship with God.
She had a very superficial understanding of God. She had a stirring in her soul. She desired something different. Something more. She suffered from depression. And feelings of not being good enough…her whole life! UNTIL she met Jesus. She “tried church” but even there, she felt something was missing.

She volunteered for everything.
She was still trying to earn God’s pleasure. She was still trying to be “good enough” with her Heavenly Parent, as she had tried to be “good enough” with her earthly parents. She still had a longing and desire for something more.

What was missing?
Georgette is a like so many of the women that I love to mentor coach. She had already begun her walk with God and loved Him and He had begun a work in her. However, there was still something missing. THINGS and PEOPLE still had a hold on her. Still influenced how she felt about herself. She did not see herself as God sees her. His Princess!

We began to discover together…
her God-given gifts and her God-given strengths. She began to truly KNOW her Heavenly Father and His deep, deep love of her…love that was NOT conditional. She began to hunger for more and more of the Word of God.

And she began to memorize Scripture. Her whole life began to change. Her mind was being renewed through the washing of the Word over her brain. She began to think like Christ would think about circumstances. She began to have the Mind of Christ. She began to see herself as He sees her. She began to BELIEVE that she was deeply loved by her Creator. That He had a purpose in her “design”. She was created for a purpose. By God’s design!

Do you see? YOU TOO have a choice.

You can live your life stuck in the ways of this world. The ways of the flesh. Here is how I explained in last week’s blog post:

1. The original formula is A + B = C
(The Activating Event (A) + The Interpretation of the Activating Event (B) = The Reaction (C)). The is how you “naturally” interpret events.
OR…you can do CHOOSE to move out of that dissatisfaction into the new formula…like Georgette did…

2. The new formula then is: A + D = E
(The Activating Event (A) + The NEW Biblical Interpretation of the Activating Event (D) = The NEW Biblical Reaction (E)).
This NEW interpretation it is the result of seeing things God’s way…through mediation and memorization of the Word of God. And that in turn, produces the NEW reaction.

Through the encouragement and support you get through the experience of Mentor Coaching and the discipline of Scripture memory…(even when the Activating Event does not change)…you can change the Interpretation of the Event (by CHOOSING to see things the way God sees them/through meditating and memorizing the Scriptures…Just like Georgette did), which in turn changes the Reaction to your world around you.

It is simple: By changing the formula, you, too, can change your reaction. And you will experience how this new formula will absolutely bless your life. Guaranteed! I have seen it over and over and over again!!! Yes, it is simple, but…

It is also hard work. However…if you could talk to Georgette yourself, she would tell you it has been worth it all. And, you would see she has filled that “God-sized vacuum” with God Himself…rather than the counterfeit things of the world that simply do NOT satisfy on any level.

You ARE what you THINK!!!

Isn’t it time to THINK differently? Let’s talk about it…

Contact me here.

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