Missionary on Stand By

His blood for me. For you.
Jesus was crucified, bled, and died that we might live. He arose from the dead that we might live forever. Choosing to follow Him and to call Him Lord is the wisest decision any of us can ever make! Praying and calling out in the power of the blood of the Lamb of God should be our norm. But I have to admit that I often neglect that GIFT that the LORD has given. I am grateful for His provision waiting for me, whenever I choose to ask!

Opportunities on the mission field.
Serving. Sacrificing. Giving. Listening. Losing sleep. Praying through the night with a suffering soul. Living frugally. Learning to love new cuisine. New language. New culture. New friends. New opportunities to trust God to solve. Surprising turns of events.

There had been an accident.
We lived in San Quintin, Baja, Mexico. 200 miles from the border. In the desert. The roads were treacherous. No guard rails. Many roads were just single lane. No speed limits. One day, a car of local Mexican people had crashed. Many were badly injured. They were brought to the hospital.

We lived on that hospital property.
There was no “blood bank”. One of the men needed a blood transfusion. My blood happens to be “universal donor”. I can GIVE blood to anyone. So, one of the hospital staff came to our home and asked me to give blood. Of course I went. (No one marked my blood donation card. They didn’t exist there.)

Opportunity knocks. I answered.
Such a wonderful hospital. The doctors and all the staff were amazing. Operating low budget with just the basics available. So, there I was at the hospital. I lay on one table; and in the same room, the man lay on another table. I don’t remember exactly what was used, but I do know needles were involved. And somehow a tube took blood directly from my body and put it immediately into his body. (I told you it was primitive.)

What an amazing opportunity. To actually SEE my blood saving another person’s life! A once in a lifetime experience. What if I had said “no”? I would have missed the greater understanding of what Jesus did for me. His blood for me. My blood for this man. That was many years ago and I can still get tears in my eyes in gratitude for the privilege. For a deeper understanding of what Jesus must feel when one of us says “yes” to Him!

Testimony time.
The next day I went back to the hospital to talk to the man. And he was grateful. But I was grateful he was awake and alert enough to hear about the LOVER of his soul. The one that bled and died at Calvary for his soul, too. And somehow…In spite of my horrible broken Spanish that man understood the message of the Gospel. Zowie! What a privilege. What an honor.

So, who says accidents are a bad thing?
God’s providence. God’s “opportunities” are seldom what we might expect. We are called to be in constant alert readiness…to hear the call and to answer. To be other-centered. Servant minded. Realizing the blessing is ours…to GIVE…to SERVE…to BLESS…all because of the Savior who bled and died that we might live!

Praising Him with you!
After all, we don’t want to miss out on the experience of a lifetime that might be just around the corner. Say yes! And watch what He can do with you as His yielded vessel.

Do you need some tweaking?
Maybe you are weary from years of serving. Maybe you are just getting started. Maybe you are just thinking about doing this missionary thing. Or maybe you are called to be a missionary stateside in the United States. Right where you live. If your thoughts have grown a bit cold and your heart a bit weary, maybe a mentor coach is just what the doctor ordered!

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™


Missionary on Stand By — 2 Comments

  1. I never knew you were the inspiration for an episode of “Night Shift” where the hunky, risk taking doctor used his own blood to save a patient who had been in an accident.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Hahahaha. Funny, Ellen! I didn’t know about that show. Was it as realistic as my true life adventure?

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