5 Ways to Move Past Fear and Into Courage

morgue-file-dark-stormy-nightWhen we lived in the country and there was a storm, winter or summer, the electricity would sometimes go out. And that meant a lot of other problems to go with it. In the winter, it meant no heat. The electric pump didn’t work to get water into the house. AND…It gets REALLY dark at night in the country. It was a long way to town. I felt isolated. I felt trapped. Afraid. Anxious. I lacked courage.

So…What exactly is courage, anyway?

No matter what anyone tells you, courage is not the absence of fear.

In order to have courage, there must be something to fear. You have to have something less than ideal that you need courage for.

Courage is actually moving forward in spite of the fear. God tells us over and over and over again in Scripture to: Fear NOT! To NOT be afraid.

So, it must be possible to choose courage. In spite of the fear. To change course.

Moving past fear and into courage, in spite of the fear:

  • First, spend some time quietly sitting in the presence of God with no agenda. No requests. Just sit there…letting Him love you.
  • Then dig into His word (the Bible). Read it with the purpose of knowing the Author (God).
  • Confess what needs confessing. We ALL have something in that category.
  • Draw the strength you need from Him. HIS strength is so much better than anything you could muster up on your own.
  • Then choose courage…BE NOT AFRAID…by choice…and walk forward with your shoulders back and your head held high.

Because you are not alone. EVER! And He promises that HE IS your courage!

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