STOP! The Need for Finding Rest in God!

I love the ocean
Often when I read something in a devotional, God seems to quickly use it as a wake up call for some work He and I need to do together to grow more like Jesus. Today was no exception. I read, “I love the ocean. It moves…so I don’t have to.” There’s a lot to ponder there. The author had learned the joy of stopping to rest in the Lord. Trust. Peaceful surrender to His care.

The woodshed
For starters, I hate being a burden to anyone. Take for instance one of the things that happened today: I walked over to get my groceries and I took my umbrella because it looked like it might rain. No problem, right? Well, it took longer in the store than I thought because of some mishaps (I might share those another time). And suddenly, the sky was lit up with lightening. And torrential rain didn’t look like it would end anytime soon. I needed more than my puny umbrella! I needed a ride! So I texted 2 friends but they were not available. Then, I called the husband of my friend. He left work and was there within 5 minutes! My hero! But I felt awful having to ask. I even said, “Would you like me to lose your phone number?” (He laughed and said no, but there I was–putting myself down.)

Finding rest in God
I’d like to share some of what I am learning, but did NOT put into practice today. Do you have problems with any of these?.

  • Stop putting yourself down
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Stop grumbling about your circumstances
  • Stop being angry when things don’t go your way
  • Stop waiting for things to get better

Rather than finding rest in God, I totally was self-absorbed. I was like on auto-pilot, trying to MAKE things work out the way I wanted. And feeling inadequate.

Give thanks in all circumstances
Here’s what I know to do and wish I had done, but did not…

  • Be still and know that I am God – Psalm 46:10 (I did NOT take even a second to STOP or be still.)
  • Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28 (I did not seek God.)
  • Rejoice in the Lord, always, again I say rejoice – Philippians 4:4 (I did not rejoice)

Choose to embrace
This week, I heard a message about Jesus’ words:“Peace I leave with you….not as the world gives”. The difference between God’s peace and the world’s peace, was evident in  these fresh “lessons” of today. This passage refers to the peace of God–an INNER peace that the world does not understand. It is the peace we feel when we STOP and take the time to surrender each circumstance to the Lord. Being mindful.

In contrast, the world promises a different peace which is not a peace at all. Because the world’s peace disappears when circumstances or people are difficult. So, what happened?

  • I did not STOP or choose to embrace who the Creator created me to be. My uniqueness. We each handle things differently. I felt critical of myself rather than looking to Him. (God doesn’t like it when I look at ME rather than at HIM for solutions for the day.)
  • I did not STOP or choose to embrace the God “site-ings” that were all around me. (So many details were handled by God for my benefit, and yet because I was trying to “handle” things, I missed them while they were happening.)
  • I did not STOP or choose to embrace joy, contentment,and gratitude for all the circumstances that flooded my day today. (There was one thing after another with no time to breathe between. That is NO EXCUSE!!! )

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God’s sense of humor
I did not see anything good about it all until it was all over. When I sat down at my computer to finish this blog post that I had been writing all week, I realized here I am EXPERIENCING it, and seeing how much I still need to learn to BE still and RECEIVE the REST that is offered–the PEACE that is offered.

Does do, do, do, go, go, go define you?
It did ME, today, unfortunately! I did not have a peaceful, restful spirit today. I have a tension backache to prove it! Do you struggle with any of this? Will you join me in trying to have these kinds of days fewer and fewer? Let’s live in the NOW with JOY in the LORD! And not be ruled by circumstances!

Thanks for being with me in the battle toward maturity in Christ.
Thanks for all you do to encourage other “sisters” in the faith.

Until next time…Thank you for all you do!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,
Pam Taylor

The MomCourager™

Photo provided by Freepik.<


STOP! The Need for Finding Rest in God! — 2 Comments

  1. Well said! Why do I always forget? At least I think I am pretty good at thanking God when things go well and even when they don’t. Most things that is.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Well done for remembering to thank God no matter what! God bless you bunches!

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