Walk. Sink. Cry Out. Reach Out. Grab Ahold.

jesus calms a storm on the seaWow! I’ve been resting on Matthew 14:16 the last few days. For days I couldn’t seem to get past this single verse: “But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to go away. YOU give them something to eat.” (emphasis mine)

What was I supposed to glean from that verse that be would applicable to my life now. My “nest” has been ruffled up. My comfort zone is not “comfortable” right now. What do I have to offer…to GIVE…Feeling off-center and a bit like I was sinking.

Meditating on this single verse has been a lifeline…pointing me to clarity of purpose once again.

There were leftovers
This verse is part of the story of the 5 loaves, 2 fish. AND of the 12 baskets full left over. (After feeding 5,000 + people!)

The disciples were frustrated with all the people that would need something to eat. Unfortunately, there was no fast food restaurant nearby.  They were concerned. So, they went to Jesus to tell Him the problem (because maybe they thought He didn’t realize the problem. 🙂 They had their own ideas what needed to be done, but Jesus had a different plan. That is where Matthew 14:16 comes into the picture.)

Blessing and breaking
Jesus had taken the 5 loaves and 2 fish that the disciples had brought him. He then looked up to Heaven, blessed the food and broke it into pieces and gave all of it to the disciples to distribute to the MULTITUDES. (Do you ever wonder what they were thinking right then?? I do! Kinda funny to think about!) So, back to our story…They gave Him what they had. He multiplied it, but THEY had to “give them something to eat.” THEY had to distribute what God had multiplied. (Reminds me of a poem by Annie Johnson Flint “Hands and Feet for Jesus”.)

They ate what had been multiplied and were FILLED. No more hunger. Filled. Filled with what was first given to Jesus and blessed by Him. FILLED…with much more left over than they even started with. Twelve baskets full LEFT OVER!!! (Here’s where I have been stopping to talk to Jesus a minute. Will you join me?) Thank You, Lord, for the LITTLE I have to offer. Thank You, that when I give it up to You for Your purposes, You will multiple it to meet the need…and sometimes with some left over. You multiple my LITTLE for others’ sake! Not to hoard, but to give out…to the multitude!

Resting and chewing
I seriously have been resting on this story for days! There is so much there to “chew on”.  (Sorry…I couldn’t help myself there! :-))

Then, after all were fed, Jesus sent them all away—even the disciples—and then He went away—alone—to pray. He prayed MANY hours. It is stunning that He went away alone. He didn’t “work” the crowd. He didn’t seek glory, attention, or honor or praise for all He had done. Rather, He went to talk with His Father…to spend time alone with His Father. He had merely been doing what He was created to do.

They still didn’t “get it”
Even after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the disciples still didn’t “get it”…which they prove with their reactions in the storm and the wind…note their fear in the Peter walking on the water story. Peter was afraid. He stepped out of the boat. He was safe UNTIL he took his eyes off Jesus and onto the stormy seas. So, he walked on the water, then he began to sink, then he cried out for help. Then he reached out his hand to grab ahold of Jesus. And Jesus saved him. He did not drown. And they got in the boat together.

And all was well…
UNTIL the next time Peter and friends forget what they have learned from the provision of the  loaves and fishes and on the stormy sea…

Are you like me?
Do you have to keep re-learning things about Jesus’ trustworthiness that you thought you already knew?

I have to ask myself. Do *I* REALLY “get it”???  What about you?

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