What Are You Becoming?

Is your schedule sanctified? Your schedule is kinda like a report card, revealing your priorities. Do you often catch yourself standing up straighter with pride as you declare how BUSY you are? How in demand you are? Comparing your busy-ness …

Dumb Decisions

Do you ever make dumb decisions? I know I do. And we are not alone in that. It seems that approximately 1/3 of the angels decided to follow satan rather than God. That was a dumb decision. WHY do you think they did that? Satan is the father of lies and deceit. There is no truth in him

Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it. “Flourishing is God’s …

Giving Barbie Dolls to Your Child: Yes or No?

I think I could have handled the whole thing better. The question posed on someone else’s FB feed was: How do you explain to your daughter that you don’t want her to have a Barbie doll?  Of course, there were …

Wedding Plans and Alpha Moms. Finding Joy in the Journey.

Wedding Planning Can Feel like a Tug-of-War Most couples have expectations that after the engagement, there comes the blissful and effortless planning of a wedding celebration. However, sometimes, one or more Alpha Moms vie against the Alpha Bride for the …

Back-To-School Days. 17 Ways To Keep Your Sanity.

It’s that Back-To-School time of year. Back to scheduled days. Scheduled bed times. Scheduled meals. Back to busy days. To car pooling the kids to sports and fun events. What is a Mom to do in order to keep her …