What Are You Becoming?

Is your schedule sanctified? Your schedule is kinda like a report card, revealing your priorities. Do you often catch yourself standing up straighter with pride as you declare how BUSY you are? How in demand you are? Comparing your busy-ness …

Life Transitions. The Language and Bonding Grinds

For the first part of my review of Marge Jones’s The Psychology of Missionary Adjustment, click here. Part two “The Missionary Pedestal” can be found here. Part three “Out of the Womb” can be read here. The Language Grind Being …

IMPORTANT: The Missionary Pedestal

Marge Jones puts missionary adjustment into bite sized pieces that draw you into wanting more! Her book Psychology of Missionary Adjustment is a treasure to absorb little by little. Here’s some of what I gleaned from chapter one…

“All Saints.” The Movie. Plants A Seed of Faith.

God’s attempts to stimulate our faith walk All Saints, the movie, addresses the question, “How does God move us to embrace His purpose for our lives?” The pastor Episcopal Pastor Michael Spurlock, wearing all his glittery vestments preaches to a …