You Can Do It! I Know You Can.

While out walking today, I had a flashback to a time in Delaware as a single mom of 2 young children. There were many challenges in those days. Not having a car was one of them.

Loaded down with our burdens
I remember walking back from the grocery store. All three of us were loaded down and weary from the heat and the weight of our packages. It was a pretty good jaunt!

Biting off more than you can chew
Just when I thought we could not go another block, a wonderful lady yelled from her screened in porch, “You can make it. I know you can.” I stopped and looked toward the voice. A sweet lady sitting on her porch swing, smiling and encouraging a very weary mom. She knew exactly what I needed! She was old and wise. She did what she could. That’s all any of us can do, right?

Look for opportunities. And then do what we are equipped to do. WITH A SMILE!

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Words are powerful
My burden actually FELT lighter. I can still remember that feeling. And I also remember at that very moment, I felt like I “mattered” to someone. Someone I did not even know. Someone who had noticed our struggle. Such a small thing. And yet it was huge. Someone actually cared. Someone believed in me when I could not. So the next time you want to say something negative to someone, realize that you, too, could be a life-changer. You, too, can be a person that lifts someone out of discouragement with a kind and encouraging word.

Like Jesus, the lady on the porch became a bit like our burden-bearer. Remember how Jesus describes that His yoke is easy and His burden is light? At that moment, I KNEW more deeply what Jesus meant in a very practical way. “Come unto me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my load is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NAS)

The power of encouraging words
Isn’t that what the Christian life is to be? One burden-bearer, encouraging another burden-bearer. Knowing when that word fitly spoken is exactly what is needed and seems as beautiful as a silver apple!

Yet, how many times do we use our words to discourage or criticize?

Will you accept a challenge for this week?
Listen to the woes and frustrations from people that cross you path. Family? Friends? A stranger? Then respond like the porch lady: “You can do it. I know you can.” Then be quiet and watch them stand taller. Straighter. Watch them BREATHE. And probably SMILE!

After more than 35 years, I still remember that wonderful woman on the porch in Smyrna Delaware. She was definitely “Jesus with skin on” to me that day.

“…let us encourage one another. And all the more as you see the day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25b)
“Paul traveled from place to place throughout the region…strengthening all the disciples.” (Acts 13:23)

I want to be THAT person. What about you?

God bless you bunches!
Thank you for all you do!Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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