Can’t Get Your Act Together?

You are not the only one that feels like she can’t get her act together.

Are you feeling like:
** you are taking three steps forward and then two steps back?
** you are spinning your wheels?
** you are frustrated?
** you are unsatisfied with your life?
** you can never get ahead?

Every day, laundry piles up.

You wash the dishes, turn around and the sink is full of dirty dishes again. There’s never enough money for the lifestyle that you want to live.

Jesus told stories when He wanted to teach a life principle.
So, here’s a story for you. Why not actually do this right now…

Hold a coin at arm’s length, and you can still see the value of the coin at that distance. BUT, if you hold that same coin up close to your eye, even that small coin is big enough to limit your vision about God’s greater blessings.

So what is limiting your “vision”?
What are you holding up too close, rather than at arm’s reach? What blessings are you unable to see because you are over-analyzing things. Because you are obsessing on things? Because you are worried, scared, anxious?

When you hold your own personal desires too close, your vision is blocked. It prevents your seeing your “blessings in disguise”. They are hidden, but we can discover them together!

God promises…
“surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life…”

What is following you? Answer: Goodness
What else? Answer: Mercy
How long? Answer: ALL the days of your life
How can you be sure? Answer: God promised
Who said that? Answer: God did
Does God lie? Answer: No

So…What can you do to change your perspective about your life?
Are you willing to move that “coin” away from your eye? Would you like a plan (like Lindsay discovered)? Do you need to change your perception about is “mercy” and “goodness”? Are you ready to do just that?

God instructs us to carefully consider our options.
“And now carefully consider (from this day forward)…” – Haggai 2:15.  So, He says to begin TODAY to “consider”!

His way is not complicated.
It is simple. But…it is also hard. And it takes time…but it is sooooo worth the effort to FINALLY have goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life.

It is do-able!
That’s how a Christian Life Coach can help you. You can live your life from a fresh perspective. With joy and peace and confidence. Truly!!!

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