Whose Battle Is It? Part 1.

Feeling beaten down by life? Weary? Don’t want to get up to fight another day? Maybe your life feels like an uphill battle each day. Try this…

In 2 Chronicles 20:5-17 God gave 6 steps to Jehoshaphat that we can activate:


  1. Speak aloud what God has already done for you. Things that show His power and involvement in your life.
  2. Choose not to be discouraged, by focusing on God instead of the problem.
  3. Agree with God…If it is not His battle, it’s not yours, either. Let it go.
  4. Stand firm in the knowledge of His love for you. (The Source of that knowledge: the Scriptures.)
  5. Believe He will use whatever is necessary to bring to you what is best for your growth and maturity.
  6. Trust God & confidently wait & see what He is up to on your behalf.

Stay focused on Jesus. Proclaim His Name over the situation.

Stay tuned for Part 2 next week.

Until next time…If you need some mentoring through the battle, I’m only a click away.

God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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