10 Steps to Good Mom Self-Care

kozzi-852791-mother_and_child_in_kitchen-300 What is good self-care for Moms?
It begins with knowing yourself and paying attention to what you need in order to be the best you. It is NOT selfish indulgences. But rather attitude adjustments.

Dehydrated? Protein deficient?
For instance, have you noticed how much better you function when you eat protein at regular intervals and stay hydrated? Does the sugar “low” make you cranky? Too much salt make you feel bloated? Maybe a bubble bath while the kids nap rather than checking Facebook refreshes you for the evening tasks.

Tired? Weary? Sleep Deprived?
When you have been up all night with a sick baby, give yourself “permission” to decide that the next day will be a great day to just sit and read and cuddle and doze a bit? Or to take a nap when the kids nap, or take extra time to read the Bible out loud to the kids.

Be kind to yourself by accepting the your limitations of tiredness. We have a choice to be angry or to enjoy the moment. How about just the fun of dunking oreos in milk WITH the kids.

Here’s the 10 steps to good Mom self-care:

  1. Shatter the myth of the perfect Mom.
  2. Recognize your stress levels and the causes. Sometimes it truly is hormonal. Be alert to your triggers and nip them in the bud.
  3. Have fewer expectations (of yourself and your kids) on the days you get less sleep.
  4. Be honest with yourself.
  5. Sometimes Moms are depressed from the loss of the life that you had hoped for/dreamed about/expected.
  6. Admit to yourself that some days you don’t even LIKE your kids.
  7. Remind yourself that in spite of that, you will CHOOSE to LOVE your kids. Act on that truth rather than your feelings.
  8. Remember that YOU are the PARENT. Act like it. No tantrums from Mom allowed.
  9. Saturate the home with praise music. SING HIS praises!
  10. Memorize Scripture with your kids. Sometimes putting verses to music helps.

Above all else, CHOOSE joy!
Moms are partnering with God to raise the children He has given you! Look to Him for wisdom and courage. CHOOSE joy and gratitude. Even on the bad days, there is always something to be grateful for. CHOOSE the high road. Choose joy!

If this has been helpful, leave a comment. What do you do for self-care? Sharing with others is your good deed for the day! 🙂

I believe in you. How can I pray for you?

Until next time.


10 Steps to Good Mom Self-Care — 8 Comments

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Thanks, Mary Lou Caskey. Glad you LOVED it! 🙂

  1. Emily said:

    Good post! I have found that waking up early before the kids (to do my devotions, start the laundry, and unload dishwasher) makes all the difference in my day. My worst “trigger” is sleeping in.

    And thanks for the reminder on #8. 😉

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Yes, Emily, the discipline of putting God first in the day is HUGE for success! You have NAILED it! Ahhh yes #8! 😉

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Thanks, Kim! Glad you liked them!

  2. Just a good word for moms. Took me a while as a young mom to figure some of this out myself. And I LOVE that you stress not for SELFISH INDULGENCE but to be your best you.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Thanks, Deborah Haddix! Such a fine line between self-care and self-indulgence! And I know for me, I can so easily get “off course”!

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