Every Missionary Needs a Cheerleader!

kozzi-2730950-young_female_dancer_against_white_background-800Life is so DAILY! Busy. Frustrating. Being on the mission field can compound the problem. So many GOOD things scream for your attention!

Feeling confused?

  • Do you have a nagging in your soul? Do you feel like a fish out of water?
  • Is your mind riddled with questions? Why are you sick all the time?  What if…?
  • Are you tired of being weary and joy-less so much of the time?
  • Do you wonder if you made a mistake? Misunderstood God’s call?
  • Is learning the language taking longer than you thought? Feeling overwhelmed?

We are all different. By God’s Design. Is that a good thing?

  • Do you argue because you see things differently than those that you live with, work with, worship & serve with?
  • Are people getting on your nerves? Who’s right? Who’s wrong?
  • What if you are BOTH right??? Is that possible?
  • YES, yes, yes, it is not only possible, it is by God’s design!

Conflicts don’t have to ruin your life. There is a better way.

God had an original plan for you when He created you. Your journey was not meant to be traveled alone OR with difficult people. The Leading From Your Strengths quick and painless online assessment is a good place to start in your journey toward a more satisfying life. And by following through with some mentor coaching, you will find the satisfaction in your life that God intended for you all along! It takes courage to move out of the familiar and into your destiny. That is where head knowledge becomes life changing heart knowledge. That is where TRUE contentment and joy begins.

Maybe you tend to put off making decisions. 🙂

Doing the same things the same way and expecting different results has been called the definition of insanity. And…“Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.” – Tony Robbins. The past is past. You can learn from it and should, but you cannot change it. So, maybe it is time to focus on your future. Your possibilities!

You will be amazed: Relationships improve. Life gets better. Peace returns.

You will discover ways for ALL your relationships (family, work, church, community) to become healthier and more personally fulfilling. So…Don’t delay. Click: I’m in!

If you don’t act right away, you likely will NOT act at all. And that would be sad.

I have a dream. MY dream is:
that you will realize that God’s “design” for you was meant to bring you joy as you function fully in the personality and gifting that your Creator God personally chose for you. Because He loves you and He knows best! You will begin a new  adventure. An amazing life ON TRACK! Pursuing the dreams God has given you! Freedom comes in the acceptance and embrace of God’s design and will for your life!

Everyone needs a “cheerleader”. (That’s me!)

You are the “quarterback”. Don’t delay. Don’t let the opposing team distract you.
Take the ball and run toward that goal line. Let’s get started. Just click here: Count me in!


Until next time,

God bless you bunches!Button-Contact-Pam
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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