Working Through the Toddler Years

Jesus and His disciples came upon a man blind since birth. The disciples were trying to attribute blame somewhere on someone for his blindness.

But Jesus, saw a man needing help, healing, and compassion. He met all those needs for the man. He also saw a teachable moment for the disciples.

His disciples, in a sense were in the “toddler stage” of their journey toward maturity. He reminded them: “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:4-5. He wanted them to learn to have that same mindset.

Work is an action word. It indicates purpose. As you work through the toddler years, you are to continue to carry out what Father God has planned for you to do…just as Jesus carried out Father God’s purpose for what was planned for Him to do.

Our work will be different, but with the same purpose…to glorify God and honor Him as Creator God.

The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultation will help you understand more of what Creator God had in mind when He created you. Your purpose. It can help with greater focus and also in creating more intentional goals in all areas of life: family life, church life, work life and best of all…in your personal relationship with Father God.

No longer fighting yourself by trying to be someone else, you can rest content in who you are and who God intended you to be. It can bring about a freedom of acceptance…of yourself AND of the other people in your life, because God chose their personality style as well as yours. So, you can then spend your energy on moving forward together with others in your realm of influence rather than fighting each other’s created design.

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Yes, we are all sinners in need of the Savior. I’m not saying we should have the attitude of, “This is who I am, so live with it!” No, it’s not that at all, but rather it is a sense of seeing each other through the eyes of God. With understanding, yet desiring each of us to grow in maturity in our faith walk. Ever growing more and more in the fruit of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…

Sometimes we act a bit like toddlers when we get together. (Toddlers: Gotta love em but at times, they can take a lot of energy to try to bring out the best in them.)

I’d love to help you find who God created you to be. Your purpose. To discover, embrace and live your God-given strengths. To be a wise steward of your gifts, talents, and passions. The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultation can help you navigate more successfully and joyfully as you work through your toddler years before you reach Heaven!

Let’s get started on this journey together. Just click on the connect button and let’s talk about how to make that happen…

God bless you bunches!
Thank you for all you do!Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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