Stuffed Toys: The Middle-Man

Ahhh. The “no” stage of toddlerhood that unfortunately can also extend into later ages. Every mother’s dream come true! NOT!!!  We know that every child arrives there sooner or later, even though we all hope for NEVER!  Some stay in the “no” stage for a longer time, some for a shorter time. Some say “no” in a gentler manner and some are more forceful and persistent. *Sigh* 🙁 It can feel so overwhelming and discouraging. Just what is a mother to do?

stuffed-toys-pixabay-pauli-73082_640Ta da!!!! Stuffed toys to the rescue! The middle-man!

When my daughter and son were young, I often used their favorite stuffed toy to be the spokesman…using the toy kinda like a puppet. I kid you not! This cute little toy can accomplish amazing feats on your behalf!

Who can resist a cute little stuffed toy (speaking in your cutest calm puppet voice)? I have a few ideas to get you started. Have them tell the kids things like…

  • ” Is that your whiney voice? I like your other voice better.”  Or, “I like your inside voice better.”
  • “Let’s not get up after we are in bed tonight.”
  • “There’s the timer! What do we do now?”
  • “Let’s put our dirty dishes in the sink. It’s FUN to help Mama!”
  • “Time for your bath! YAY!!! I LOVE baths, don’t you?”
  • “Yay! It’s time to play the pick up the toys and put them away game. That game makes Mama soooo happy!!! That is so fun!”

I’m praying for you, Mama! And I’m cheering you on! Rah! Rah! You are amazing! I know it’s a hard job, and yet you are not giving up! You are always looking for ways to be a better Mom to your kids! You are my hero!

Motherhood can actually be a time of joy when you put your creativity into action. I’d love to know if this has been helpful to you; AND to hear how those cute stuffed toys serve you in your parenting! Comments totally appreciated!!!



Stuffed Toys: The Middle-Man — 2 Comments

  1. Such a good blog post and wonderful idea. Those toddler days are long gone in my household, but they were made much more fun by incorporating play in the mix of parenting tools. I’m using my cheerful, inside voice, Pam.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      So glad you are using your “inside voice” Kathryn Leslie, as you encourage other moms how powerful playful parenting can be. Thanks for stopping by!

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