Rough Week? Where is God?

I’ve had kind of a rough month.

The result is that I am weary beyond words. Tired. Cranky. Out of sorts. Needing fresh hope. Fresh strength. How about you? Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever asked: Where is God in this? Have you been scared or confused and not known what to do or how to pray? Of course you have. We all have had those times. Gratefully…

popcorn-morguefile0001305146230God reminded me this week about some (single sentence) popcorn-type prayers that can be very effective when you are weary from the battle and unable to even think. He reminded me that He has not the one that moved. He is always waiting with open arms.

Lord, teach me your ways…and be gentle. I’m a slow learner.

If you don’t need it right now, maybe you’d like pass it on to someone who could use it as a little “jump start” …

Ten (single sentence) popcorn prayer suggestions:

  1. Protect me Lord, that I may be a yielded vessel.
  2. Make up for my lack.
  3. Lord, what would you have me do today?
  4. Make me a blessing.
  5. Help me to bring out the best in others.
  6. Give me favor.
  7. Give me wisdom.
  8. Give me understanding of the other person/people/situation.
  9. Give me fresh knowledge of the situation.
  10. Cleanse me of anything not of you.

Teach me Your ways, Lord…but…please be gentle…Remember: I’m a very slow learner! 🙂

How about you? Was this helpful? Have you ever been in a spot like that?

How do you pray when you decide to surrender your will to God? Those times when you decide that trusting Him to lead is safer than NOT trusting Him. When you realized it is better to wait for Him to show you His way, and to stay in that place that it is scary and lonely and confusing than to go your own way.

Popcorn prayers. When you are too weary to do anything more…

Please share…


Rough Week? Where is God? — 14 Comments

  1. Susan Fleming said:

    Sometimes I like to ask God what He likes about me. I know He loves me, (supposedly) He likes me, too. But sometimes it is hard to see what there is about myself that would delight Him. It never hurts to ask…

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Susan Fleming, you have such a way with words that feeds my soul every time! Thanks for the idea ask God WHAT He likes about me. And the “It never hurts to ask…” So true. So very true! Thanks for stopping by…It is always good to hear from you!

  2. I definitely relate to #8 the most, “Give me understanding of the other person/people/situation.” I love the ‘Serenity Prayer’* (with my commentary) and it helps me to maintain appropriate boundaries and respect. It’s a bit more than popcorn, but it melts in my mouth!

    * The Serenity Prayer:
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (which are others),
    the courage to change the things that I can (which is me),
    and the wisdom to know the difference (my dependence on God). Amen!

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Well said, Dwight. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing the way you personalize the Serenity Prayer. I smile every time I read the “It’s a bit more than popcorn, but it melts in my mouth!” 🙂 True! Thanks!

  3. I can relate especially to numbers 8 and 10. Raising three children, two with special needs, I often find myself praying, “Lord, help me to see them with your eyes.” Because when I take a deep breath and step back from the situation, I can always find something positive to hold onto. I may not appreciate it in that very moment, but I will appreciate it in the future. And when I look at things, especially people, from God’s perspective, it always leaves me in awe of his incredible creations!

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Isn’t that the truth, Kerry. The key is stepping back to get that fresh perspective to be able to see things through God’s eyes. To focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Like Jesus looks at us! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. A common prayer of mine that I stole from Much Afraid in “Hinds Feet on High Places” is: “Lord, tie me to the altar lest I jump off.”

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Kinsey Oglesby, I LOVE that reminder! I had forgotten that prayer in the book! I’m re-reading Hinds Feet on High Places” right now.

  5. I love the idea of popcorn prayers! I’ve never thought about it, but I actually say these a lot!

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Fun! I love that our prayers can be simple. Like a child to our Father God. Do you have any different popcorn prayers you can share, Brittany?

  6. This has been a particularly rough week for me. My popcorn prayer has been Lord give me strength and Lord, zip my lip. I sometimes, more often than I should, let my mouth make a stressful situation worse.

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      Danielle, I need to add those two to my list: Give me strength. And Zip my lip! Good ones! Thanks for sharing. I pray this week is better than last! God bless you bunches!

  7. Like Peter, I just call out, Lord, save me. He always does :).

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      He does indeed honor those short and simple prayers, Kim! I think maybe he even prefers them! 🙂

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