Immanuel. God Is with Us

Learning to Actually Practice God’s presence You can CHOOSE to practice the actual presence of God with you. Yes, like so many of the other things that God desires for us, it is a choice. We can be like Brother …

Viewing Christmas in a Rear View Mirror

Looking Back Through much of my life, I’ve lived as though I have been looking through a rear view mirror. Wishing things were different. Discontent. Sad. Christmas can sometimes bring that out in every person. Christmas Past Are there skeletons …

Dumb Decisions

Do you ever make dumb decisions? I know I do. And we are not alone in that. It seems that approximately 1/3 of the angels decided to follow satan rather than God. That was a dumb decision. WHY do you think they did that? Satan is the father of lies and deceit. There is no truth in him

Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it. “Flourishing is God’s …

Missionaries and Bursted Bubbles

In strongly success-oriented western society, the implication is that if you follow a set of rules, you will be successful. Missionary orientation programs teach the latest methods and send the candidate off with plenty of spiritual reading material. Failure to reach unrealistic expectations hinders the missionary once on the field and can affect their self-concept. Rather than humbling us to turn to God for help, it more often out of self-preservation, causes a focus on self, rather than on the mission or on developing authentic relationships in the new country. And that begins to explain this

Is It Job Security? Or Are You In Chains?

I had a job that simply was not a right fit for me It taxed my very soul, and sucked the life out of me. Yet, I fooled myself into thinking it was “wise and safe” to stay there (e.g. …