What If You Had Someone to Believe in You?

I had an odd dream (with a purpose). I woke up from a dream about a house of prostitution that had been discovered by the authorities. The “pimps” were jailed but someone in the community who had a compassionate heart talked with each woman individually and discovered each woman’s strengths, talents, and gifts.

The Power of Kindness

What is encouragement? The atta boy/atta girl comments. Looking for things that people do well. Looking for their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Just what is the power of kindness? We’ve all seen the stories on the news of the …

10 Tips For Success. Job Interviews. Performance Interviews

A good job interview or raise interview begins with being prepared before you go. No matter who you are, try to remember that everyone feels a bit stressed when either interviewing for a new job, or trying to convince the boss you deserve a raise. I’d like to ease some of the tension and fears.

Dumb Decisions

Do you ever make dumb decisions? I know I do. And we are not alone in that. It seems that approximately 1/3 of the angels decided to follow satan rather than God. That was a dumb decision. WHY do you think they did that? Satan is the father of lies and deceit. There is no truth in him

Working Through the Toddler Years

Jesus and His disciples came upon a man blind since birth. The disciples were trying to attribute blame somewhere on someone for his blindness. But Jesus, saw a man needing help, healing, and compassion. He met all those needs for …

Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it. “Flourishing is God’s …

Back-To-School Days. 17 Ways To Keep Your Sanity.

It’s that Back-To-School time of year. Back to scheduled days. Scheduled bed times. Scheduled meals. Back to busy days. To car pooling the kids to sports and fun events. What is a Mom to do in order to keep her …

Conflicts Happen. Real Help for Real Missionaries.

Missions were birthed out of conflicts. Acts 8:1, 4 makes it clear that the persecution against the church broke out in Jerusalem, and all but the apostles scattered, preaching the Word wherever they went.