What’s That In Your Hand?

David Jeremiah shared recently: What is your life? (The duration of your life?) It is a vapor that vanishes quickly. Life is short!

I live in a building with many older adults.
The ambulance is often here. And sometimes my friends don’t return. God wants us to think of the importance of a life well lived. The brevity of life is stunning. Just ask the family and friends of young woman that died in a car accident a few short days ago. This has been a VERY SAD week for so many.

pixabay-brush-15931_640What shall we do? What can we do?
We must seriously consider our individual purpose here on earth!

God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips those He calls. How then has God equipped you, personally? Is there truly a need that only you are best uniquely equipped to meet?

There are tall people, short people, average people, small people, large people. Each different in so many ways. Each special. Each already equipped for God’s next assignment.

Maybe you think you are too busy.
Or maybe you think that you need more training or that you have to wait until…Until what???
Until you get a better job/the kids grow up/you graduate/you get more money???

But…there is no UNTIL with God.

NOW…TODAY…is the day God wants you to focus on.

When we make up our excuses, God tells us the same thing He said to Moses when Moses made up excuses for not “going” and “doing” what God wanted him to do.

God responded to Moses: “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2 NIV)

You already have all you need. TRULY!!!
God has already given you what you need for what He has for you to do TODAY.

So…How will you respond to the question: “What is that in your hand?”

Someone you love needs to hear this. Please share…

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