Come Apart So You Don’t Come Apart

The word chaos is a noun, but sometimes it feels like a verb. It can feel like it has taken over your life. Are you weary and not sure why? Are you irritable for no good reason? How are you doing with conquering chaos in your life? What is causing the chaos? Can you do anything about it? If so, what? If not, what then? Awareness is valuable.

Synonyms: Discord, Disorganization, Disorder
Does that describe your life? Many say that their lives need a make-over. Confusion and messes everywhere in life, home, job, country. What’s a person to do? What causes the chaos you feel? Does God have some answers for you? I know I have discovered my biggest “cause” of the feeling of chaos, discord, disorder, disorganization. It’s when I neglect the one of God’s commands meant to prevent chaos.

God has a plan for His children
The God who created the heavens and put everything in its place knows how to bring order and usefulness to your life. He doesn’t want you to live in chaos, but in Christ.

Alternative acronym for CHAOS

  • Christ
  • Has
  • All
  • Our
  • Solutions

We’ve become a society of more, more, more. More money, more stuff, more activities, more friends, etc. Are you losing the beauty and power of simplicity? Hebrews 13:5 “…be content with what you have…”

There are plenty of social media posts about how to de-clutter and organize your home. And that is very helpful, indeed. But what about de-cluttering your mind? Your soul? Your spirit?

Small Beginnings
(Zachariah 4:10) “Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in the hands of …” (YOU. Put your name in that spot.) God delights when you see the need for small changes that lead to bigger changes; and chaos leaves! And peace takes it place.

Add the Sabbath Rest to Your Life

  • Choose to do this
  • Rest your body
  • Refocus your spirit = worship
  • Recharge your emotions = the beauty of creation, recreation, hobbies, sports
  • Commit to this at least once every 7 days. Even the Creator God rested on the 7th day

Come apart, so you don’t come apart
In Psalm 23, we are told that God makes the Psalmist lie down, in calm meadows, near quiet waters. I think the message here is that God knows what we need and we can choose to do what He knows is best, by coming apart from the stressors willingly; or we can go our own way and continue in our chaos and wait for HIM to MAKE us come apart, lie down, and rest. The CHOICE is ours. As is the CONSEQUENCE of that choice.

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Ezekiel 20:12
God said: “And I gave them the Sabbath – a day of rest every seventh day – as a symbol between them and me, to remind them that it is I, the Lord, who sanctifies them, that they are truly my people.”

Change Chaos into “Christ Has All Our Solutions” and let me know how your life settles down by this one simple change: every seven days, take a Sabbath Day of rest for restoration and recommitment to your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Everyone needs a cheerleader
Many benefit from a few weeks or months of accountability with a mentor coach, encouraging and cheering you on, to help you stay on track. That’s what I do for women. I help you keep your mind on the future reward for living a faithful life; rather than living in the chaos that seeks to rob you of all joy and contentment.

I REALLY want to know if this has been helpful to you…If so, please share it with others…THEY deserve to know that Chaos can be a GOOD thing! It’s perspective!

God bless you bunches!
Thank you for all you do!Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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