What is good self-care for Moms? It begins with knowing yourself and paying attention to what you need in order to be the best you. It is NOT selfish indulgences. But rather attitude adjustments. Dehydrated? Protein deficient? For instance, have …
Last week we learned two LIFE formulas. One to give you success. The other will produce constant striving and discontent. What if you had a choice? Georgette (NOT her real name, of course) was a successful young woman. She had …
There’s a story in the “The Multiplying Community” chapter* about a small group of Sudanese church leaders. They had come to be taught the Word of God. These amazing leaders came to receive, yes. But…to receive in order to be …
Georgia Shaffer, a colleague, asked her blog readers what this verse means to them: “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, …
David Jeremiah shared recently: What is your life? (The duration of your life?) It is a vapor that vanishes quickly. Life is short! I live in a building with many older adults. The ambulance is often here. And sometimes my …
A“Busted by God” Story What a week. It seemed like I only had one more nerve and knew at any moment, SOMEONE would step on it. Little gnats. Spoiling things. Nothing major. Just lots of things all at once that …
Long, long ago Ron was raised in the church. He went to seminary. He hated being a pastor, so he started his own construction business. Like many construction workers, he played music while he worked. He liked the music he …
It’s often news headlines about the latest person showing off their latest facelift or other “adjustments”. I know that I, too, want to look the best I possibly can (given what I have to work with), but I don’t want to spend the money …
Being a single parent for so many years was hard! It was often lonely. There was often no one to talk things over with. I often felt very weak. Scared. Frustrated. I learned…over time through trial and error to lean hard into God. …
When we lived in the country and there was a storm, winter or summer, the electricity would sometimes go out. And that meant a lot of other problems to go with it. In the winter, it meant no heat. The electric pump …