The Strength You Need to Soar Like the Eagles

Eagles are built for flying
They are created to soar…up to 60, 80, 100 miles per hour. Their wingspan is almost 8 feet. They seldom flap their wings, which makes it possible for them to travel long distances on very little energy.

Eagles know how to catch the updrafts
They know how to fly into invisible currents. They don’t fight their environment. They adapt and use it to their advantage. What about you? How are you doing in the currents of your life? Some verses in Isaiah reveal the secret of the eagles…

Isaiah 40:30-31 (NAS)
“Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet, those who wait upon the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.”

God promises He will renew your strength
You, too, can learn the secret, and mount up and soar just like the eagles. He promises. But…

There is a “condition” you are to meet first…
You must first “wait upon the Lord”. Some versions say, you must put your “hope in the Lord” in order to renew your strength. What does that mean?

You cannot do this in your own strength
I once heard that “waiting on the Lord” in this way can be compared to a “waiter” in a restaurant. He is always close by, always attentive to direction from you. Seeking how to serve you best. That is how you are to be with the Lord…realizing that whatever you do for others, you are actually serving the Lord. So, you must be always close enough to the Lord to see any variation of direction from Him. Putting your hope in Him rather than in yourself. Knowing He will not forsake you. He will not let you down. Looking unto Jesus. The author and perfecter of your faith. He is always giving us faith lessons.

The Strength You Need (by Robert J. Morgan)
“This is Isaiah’s picture of faith. If you need strength for your journey you have to stretch out your wings of faith and catch the updrafts of the promises of God. You don’t have to flutter and flap around. You can rest on the uplifting promises of God. You can find your strength in Him; and it is exhilarating. … Sometimes I have to force my mind to move from the problem to the promise, but whenever I do I’m able to catch the updraft of God’s grace.” (p.97)

Expanded lesson
Isaiah expanded the lesson beyond soaring. People who learn this practice,… gain so much strength they ‘will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) What a promise!

My Mother loved these verses
When she was fighting for her life, dealing with multiple attacks of cancer, these verses comforted and strengthened her. She indeed soared in her walk with the Lord. And she never ever seemed faint-hearted. Many people were inspired by her joy and peace. (Including me!)  I wanted what she had. It took me years understand what that was. It was “waiting on the Lord”.

Your mind centers on the Lord
“When I wait on the Lord, my mind centers on Him, not on my weakness. God is waiting on our waiting.” (p.100 The Strength You Need book)

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As you put into practice the CHOICE of waiting on the Lord…
Discouragement is smashed on the Rock
Your faith grows more and more, little by little
Hope is restored
His joy envelops you
You return to the right track.
Flapping your wings seldom happens, because you are…
Soaring above the challenges

Jesus is the wind beneath your wings.
Soar on, dear ones. Soar on!

Let me know how I can help.
That’s why God has me here. To encourage and support women like you!

Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together!

Until next time…Thank you for all you do!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,
Pam Taylor

The MomCourager™


The Strength You Need to Soar Like the Eagles — 2 Comments

    • Pam Taylor, The MomCourager said:

      It is indeed a good reminder. The book of Isaiah is full of promises like that.

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