10 Tips For Success. Job Interviews. Performance Interviews

A good job interview or raise interview begins with being prepared before you go. No matter who you are, try to remember that everyone feels a bit stressed when either interviewing for a new job, or trying to convince the boss you deserve a raise. I’d like to ease some of the tension and fears.

Viewing Christmas in a Rear View Mirror

Looking Back Through much of my life, I’ve lived as though I have been looking through a rear view mirror. Wishing things were different. Discontent. Sad. Christmas can sometimes bring that out in every person. Christmas Past Are there skeletons …

What Are You Becoming?

Is your schedule sanctified? Your schedule is kinda like a report card, revealing your priorities. Do you often catch yourself standing up straighter with pride as you declare how BUSY you are? How in demand you are? Comparing your busy-ness …

Working Through the Toddler Years

Jesus and His disciples came upon a man blind since birth. The disciples were trying to attribute blame somewhere on someone for his blindness. But Jesus, saw a man needing help, healing, and compassion. He met all those needs for …

Ana’s Welcome

She stood before me, tall and stately, with raven black hair and beautiful white teeth framed by her warm smile.Wide innocent eyes overflowed with the purity that comes from inner joy. I felt welcomed and somehow less awkward as I …

Missionary Guilt Is Real

The other parts of my review of Marge Jones’s The Psychology of Missionary Adjustment, can be reached by the following links: Part One: Book Review: Psychology of Missionary Adjustment Part Two: The Missionary Pedestal Part Three: Out of the Womb …