Wow! I’ve been resting on Matthew 14:16 the last few days. For days I couldn’t seem to get past this single verse: “But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to go away. YOU give them something to eat.” …
What about you? Do you have it together? I know that I most certainly do NOT have it together! Didn’t have it together when my kids were young, when they turned teenagers, or after they left home to go to …
Why are you here? The continuous flow of news is disturbing. We can begin to feel helpless. What is the purpose of your life? Is it just to get through another day? Do you long for peace? Life is moving …
How to know if you are a worrier Ha! 🙂 You KNOW! If you truly don’t know, just ask your family or closest friends. They will enlighten you. Yup! 5 helpful tips to conquer worry 1. Stop whatever you are …
When we lived in the country and there was a storm, winter or summer, the electricity would sometimes go out. And that meant a lot of other problems to go with it. In the winter, it meant no heat. The electric pump …
God gives each of us the wisdom to train our own children in the way they should go. Each family must decide what God is directing them personally to do as a family. God clearly directed me to homeschool my two …
Have you ever suffered from test anxiety? Ugh! I have. Far too often! It is all-consuming Immobilizing. I can still remember my first driver’s test. And my first time driving alone. I had an accident. Driving on a wet pavement. I hit …