A woman had come to Henri Nouwen complaining about her husband. She was extremely discontent and frustrated. She saw no solution to the problem with her marriage. Henry Nouwen interrupted her with this: “All that is a distraction. I don’t …
YIKES!!! I heard a loud knocking on a door down the hallway of my apartment building and lots of yelling!!! It was my resident manager. He was angrily reprimanding someone for something, so naturally, I went to look out my …
Yes! You can! “Every Christ-like word and deed from you dispels an equal amount of darkness. Let Christ shine through you today.” (Turning Point with David Jeremiah devotional) It is not just words. God clearly tells us to walk as …
Friend or Frienemy I have my own personal critic. Someone I care about. Someone close to me that I admire very much! The thing is, this person seldom says anything good about what I do or what I write or …
White collar crime. My life fell apart. Remember in the War Room movie? A compromise here. A compromise there. Before he knew it, Tony was in over his head. Do you know anyone like that? Well, let me tell you …
Last week we learned two LIFE formulas. One to give you success. The other will produce constant striving and discontent. What if you had a choice? Georgette (NOT her real name, of course) was a successful young woman. She had …
Life is hectic. Crazy busy. So…every once in awhile, I like to remind you that you don’t have to do this crazy busy hectic life alone…and that God didn’t plan for you to do it alone. Relationships take time UGH! …
Proverbs 14:4 “Without oxen a stable stays clean” Isn’t that a funny scripture to begin a blog post? The day I am writing this is November 14, so I am reading Proverbs 14. Each day I try to read a …
My heart is overflowing this week. The Lord granted me amazing “connections” with family. I am blessed! BECAUSE my heart is too full to even think of MY words to say to you this week, I wanted to share what …
Long, long ago Ron was raised in the church. He went to seminary. He hated being a pastor, so he started his own construction business. Like many construction workers, he played music while he worked. He liked the music he …