July 4th - New Beginnings

I'm so excited to tell you my news! We have a new look and a new address ~ Over the July 4th Independence Day holiday, The MomCourager™ Mentor Coach, Pam Taylor, (www.MomCouragementCoaching.com) has moved. Check out the new address at www.LoavesAndFishesCoaching.com. I look forward to the opportunity to welcome you to my new “home”. It will be my delight to help you discover, embrace and live your God-given strengths; and to encourage you in the Lord through the blog posts and newsletters. Please join me there.

Pam Signature
Pam, Mentor Life Coach

The Power of Kindness

What is encouragement? The atta boy/atta girl comments. Looking for things that people do well. Looking for their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Just what is the power of kindness? We’ve all seen the stories on the news of the …

10 Tips For Success. Job Interviews. Performance Interviews

A good job interview or raise interview begins with being prepared before you go. No matter who you are, try to remember that everyone feels a bit stressed when either interviewing for a new job, or trying to convince the boss you deserve a raise. I’d like to ease some of the tension and fears.

Immanuel. God Is with Us

Learning to Actually Practice God’s presence You can CHOOSE to practice the actual presence of God with you. Yes, like so many of the other things that God desires for us, it is a choice. We can be like Brother …

Viewing Christmas in a Rear View Mirror

Looking Back Through much of my life, I’ve lived as though I have been looking through a rear view mirror. Wishing things were different. Discontent. Sad. Christmas can sometimes bring that out in every person. Christmas Past Are there skeletons …

How I Kicked Holiday Crankiness to the Curb!

I used to dread holidays because I was often disappointed. I had expectations about how I wanted things to go and how I wanted people to act toward each other. But lately, things have changed drastically for the better. I’ve …

What Are You Becoming?

Is your schedule sanctified? Your schedule is kinda like a report card, revealing your priorities. Do you often catch yourself standing up straighter with pride as you declare how BUSY you are? How in demand you are? Comparing your busy-ness …

Dumb Decisions

Do you ever make dumb decisions? I know I do. And we are not alone in that. It seems that approximately 1/3 of the angels decided to follow satan rather than God. That was a dumb decision. WHY do you think they did that? Satan is the father of lies and deceit. There is no truth in him